Sunday, November 16, 2008

Insomnia in French

On my 4th night in Paris, I couldn't sleep to save my life. So I made this instead...and forgot about it until today. I shot it on my cell phone (one clip before I left, the other in Paris in my hotel). Music by The Dead Texan (other sounds are the infomercial and French lessons).

So there's that.


Michael said...

Very nice appropriation of "Taco Me Manque". What is/are the second layer of film with water/people?

I really, really enjoyed this.

Amy said...

Thanks! The lady in the second layer is actually still the same infomercial footage; I just manipulated it in editing quite a bit. And the water is the second clip - an inside-looking-out view of a car wash (backwards, slowed down). I've always wanted to fit a shot like that into a narrative.


stacyross said...

I'm with Mike - this is really, really good. Somehow you've captured the feeling of insomnia perfectly. Also, cool idea to film the car wash against the car window - it looks great the way you've layered it.